Saturday 14 May 2011

TRX - Worth it ??

YES !!!! of course they are worth it , this amazing invention, made by a US Soldier is one of the best outdoor pieces of training equipment on the planet. Compact and extremely well made these little bands will last you a very long time and are able to be used pretty much anywhere! Their background is as I mentioned in the army and they were invented to be lightweight and able to be used in the field without much set up needed. There are hundreds of exercises you can do with TRX, unlike conventional resistance bands these are made of webbing, such as you would find on a climbers harness, therefore this form of training is called'suspension training' as the 'resistance' is your own body weight. TRX is made with an anchor system that allows you to attatch it to trees, bars, doors etc, this is genuinely such a mobile piece of equipment. TRX is made with a two handle system with the two webbing straps attatched, each handle had full 360 movement and has soft grips, these are also designed to allow your feet to fit in(such as in the picture above). It does come with a fairly high price tag usually around £125+ depending on which pack you buy. You are paying for the quality though and I would definately recommend buying a TRX original rather than a copy or cheaper option.
Not only is it a great form of training, I have yet to meet anyone that has told me they havent enjoyed it. It is always nice to try something new and this had brought new light to the opportunities of outdoor exercise.

This is a short video explaining some of the benefits and exercises that TRX has to offer.

As always thanks for reading, happy training, remember to stay safe, any questions drop me an e-mail

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