Thursday 26 May 2011

Army Abs - My adaptation - Part 1 - Low Intensity

Army Abs

I have spent the last week researching a number of military style ab workouts, there is many to choose from. I have decided to choose exercises from each routine including my favourites, the ones I feel are most beneficial and also some that I feel are interesting and under used. As with any exercise routine healthy eating comes into play, especially when the ab region is the focus. Try and eat as well as you can, aim to consume the amount of food suggested in the eatwell plate in an article below, any information on general nutrition feel free to drop me an e-mail. (address at the end of this article).

I have decided to write three articles on this subject first starting with a low-intensity 2 week programme:

The Routine-Low Intensity

Week One


20 x Crunches
20 x Oblique Twists
30 seconds plank
30 seconds side plank (each side)


20 x Sit ups
20 x Double leg Raises
20 x Dorsi Raises
30 seconds sky-diver position


20 x V-ups
20 x Raised Leg Oblique Crunches
20 x Single Leg Raises
30 seconds plank
30 seconds side plank (each side)
30 seconds sky-diver position

Try and include at least two CV (cardio) sessions with a minimum duration of 20 mins each week.

Week Two


2 x 15 Crunches
2 x 15 Oblique Twists
45 seconds plank
45 seconds side plank (each side)


2 x 15 Sit ups
2 x 15 Double leg Raises
2 x 15 Dorsi Raises
45 seconds sky-diver position


2 x 15 V-ups
2 x 15 Raised Leg Oblique Crunches
2 x 15 Single Leg Raises
45 seconds plank
45 seconds side plank (each side)
45 seconds sky-diver position

Try and include at least two CV (cardio) sessions with a minimum duration of 20 mins each week.

As always thanks for reading, happy training, remember to stay safe, any questions drop me an e-mail

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