Saturday 14 May 2011

Just a Quick 'pinch from one of my favourite websites-

This website is full of interesting articles and information on whole foods, healthy alternatives and sources for obtaining these types of natural free range foods. It is always said to be the 'posh' option or the more expensive/time consuming way of eating however this website will open your eyes to the amount of good dishes that can be made and how far some foods can go and how long they can last you.

This article is about weight loss and is a basic guide on how to level out your diet without compromising your health or allowing youself to eat less nutrients than you should be.

1: Don't eat cold processed cereals for breakfast - they will offer minimal nutrition, rapidly raise blood insulin levels and leave you hungry again by mid morning.
2: Seek a feeling of satisfaction after a meal, not a feeling of being physically full and bloated - How often have you had a meal that left you physically full, but afterwards felt you wanted something else, possibly a sweet treat? This is the body telling you to seek out needed nutrients that were not sufficient in the meal you ate.
3: Don't get caught up counting calories - it is time consuming, almost impossible to do with any degree of accuracy and has never been scientifically proven to successfully lose the dieter the amount of weight they should lose when the deficit of calories is calculated. In fact most barely even lose half of the weight they should have lost when the calorie deficit is worked out. Low calorie diets have almost invariably been found in scientific trials to fail in the long term. Short term losses are mostly regained after 6 months.
4: Be aware of your metabolic type - not everyone is designed to eat the same food. Some people will be healthiest on a higher protein and fat diet low in carbohydrates, while others will do well on a higher, whole food carbohydrates diet with moderate protein and low in fat. After all we live a world with vastly differing climates. In colder climes nearer the poles there is much less fruit, veg and grains available and so they would need to eat more protein and fat rich animal produce. Nearer the equator where there is plentiful fruit and veg all year round and the weather is hot, the intake of plants an fish is normal and feels natural. heavy meats and fat in hot weather is often not desirable.
5: Proteins are the most potent food to satisfy - however if eaten lean they will do little to sustain energy levels as less than 12% of protein calories contribute to daily energy. Nature has packaged most protein foods with adequate fats to serve as a excellent energy source. When proteins are eaten with the natural fat it provides satiety with greater longevity between meals and the energy needed to carry out daily activities.
6: Soups should be based on home made stocks and broths - a soup is not just about blending up a meal. Real nourishing soups made from bone broths and vegetable stock are rich in minerals, nutrients and nourishing compounds that are excellent for digestive health and healing the body. They take time and care to prepare and will certainly leave you feeling satisfied for long periods. A blended mush, will leave you feeling bloated and not satisfied.
7: A broader choice of natural, whole foods is heaven - Being able to draw upon a wide choice of nourishing foods, meals and produce will lead to excellent health, reduce the volume of food that needs to be eaten and help the consumer develop a strong relationship with food and life.
8: Full fat dairy is beneficial - and not because we just might excrete more fat. Several studies have shown clear associations with those who drink full fat dairy and lower rates of heart disease, lower rates of obesity, especially abdominal obesity, lower rates of diabetes, lower rates of asthma and allergies and of course stronger bones!
9: Exercise at a higher intensity - improve your tolerance for more vigorous exercise. This will increase your aerobic threshold which will enable you to more easily deliver oxygen to the cells of your body. If the cells receive a better supply of oxygen then they are better able to utilise fat a a fuel for energy. Higher intensity exercise, both cardiovascular work and resistance training, has been shown to increase metabolism or 'after burn' by as much as 10% for between 15-48 hours after the exercise session.
10: Keep improving on your dietary habits - lots of small bouts of activity will not resolve the pot belly or muffin tops, but continual efforts to improve the quality of food eaten will lead over time to a truly nutrient dense diet that will bring with it optimal health and, of course natural weight loss, until your body reaches it's desirable weight.

As always thanks for reading, happy training, remember to stay safe, any questions drop me an e-mail

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