Tuesday 17 May 2011

Some simple calf exercises

Here are some simple calf exercises that I personally use and also use in my sessions. These will tone your calfs, add muscle and shape. Mainly calf raises with a few adaptations.

The first is a simple calf raise. Stand with your feet together and raise up onto the balls of your feet (tiptoes) then slowly take your heels back to the floor, repeat 15 times for a set.

Second is an addition to the first, try calf raises with a weight in each hand, if you have no weights a good thing to use is two of the largest milk bottles you can buy (like the one in the picture)filled with sand or water.

Third is once again an adaptation of calf raises, this time find a step/interior staircase and stand yourself on the bottom step heels off the back of the step so you are only on the balls of your feet. Repeat the calf raise exercise , introduce the weights when you feel comfortable.

Alternatively try walking up staircases rather than taking the lift, the action of walking up a staircase naturally tones the calfs. Maybe even have a few laps up and down your own staircase each day. It is the little things you do that will add up to make the big difference, try and incorperate exercise into your everyday life to make the most of yourself.

As always thanks for reading, happy training, remember to stay safe, any questions drop me an e-mail NickGoreFitnessTraining@hotmail.co.uk.

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