Saturday 14 May 2011

The Eatwell Plate (anyone my age or above will probably remember this as the food pyramid but thats out of date now :)

This is the eatwell plate (formerly the food pyramid). It is a guide on your intake of food and shows you which food groups you should eat more/less of. It is a good way of comparing your every day diet to that which is recommended. Maybe write yourself a food diary over the course of 7 days, include snacks and drink and compare each day to the eatwell plate and see where you could improve.

If you would like any more information on the food groups, or any advice on diet please e-mail me on

So, try to eat:

Plenty of fruit and vegetables
Plenty of bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other
starchy foods – choose wholegrain varieties
when you can
Some milk and dairy foods
Some meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy
sources of protein
Just a small amount of foods and drinks high
in fat and/or sugar

As always thanks for reading, happy training, remember to stay safe, any questions drop me an e-mail

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