Saturday 14 May 2011

Beginners Basic ab 3 exercise routine

To properly tone the ab region you have to take into account the amount of muscles that are situated there. Normal sit ups will predominantly work the top of the abs, leg raises will work the bottom with oblique twists working the obliques down the sides of your ab region. This is the most basic 3 exercise ab routine.

Sit ups - There are 3 ways in which you can do a sit up, basically Easy,Medium, and Hard.

This is the Easy way to do a sit up, rest your hands on your thighs  and slide them up and down keeping your back straight and neck and head aligned.

This is the 'medium' way of performing a sit up, (sorry about the funny clip art). Once again keep straight back and neck and head aligned. This time place your hands on your chest. this will feel harder than the previous and is the most common form of sit up amoungst beginners.

This is the hardest way to perform a sit up, notice that the person has their hands on their temples rather than clasped behind their head. This is the best way to carry out this exercise as clasping you hands behind your head can lead to upper back and neck pain as you pull the neck forward rounding the back and spine in the process.

Start off in this position with both legs in the air gently lower both legs to the floor keeping them straight and in a controlled motion. As they nearly (but not quite) touch the floor raise them slowly
back up. Alternatively you can just do it with one leg at a time while keeping the other in the air, if that proves to be too hard place one leg on the floor and go alternate from there. 10-20 repititions(whatever you can manage , remember dont push yourself too hard too fast!)


Oblique twists start off in the original sit up position however this time you are to cross your legs and hold your arms out infront of you. As you come up for the sit up twist to one side then return your back to the floor repeat and twist to the other side. Make sure all movements are fluid and not jerky as jerky movements can lead to pulled/twisted muscles.


As always thanks for reading, happy training, remember to stay safe, any questions drop me an e-mail


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