Friday 17 June 2011

Kettle Bell Workout / Introduction of the RPE scale

I really enjoy training with kettle bells, they add another perspective to 'free-weights' and are a really good tool for building muscle, toning, shaping, and also loosing fat. Kettle bells come in many different weights and sizes. I use a range between 2kg and 22kg at the moment and have also got a 26kg for my more experienced clients.
Below is a simple kettle bell routine, this will get you started and will be ideal for beginners. I recommend a comfortable weight under 10kg to begin with to allow you to gain the right technique as this is very important.

RPE SCALE - basically a scale from 1-10 1 being easy/less intense 10 being hard/intense. I will sometimes use this to gauge a persons level of psycal activity while they are training by asking them on the scale of 1-10 how they feel.

This kettle bell routine will work the arms, chest and back and is ideal for beginners. As always stay safe and always learn proper techniques to lessen the risk of injury. If you feel you may have any problems injury wise always consult a doctor before any intense exercise.


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